Thursday, February 26, 2009


i forgot i had this blog lol.

cute pup eh? He's a big boy - 11 weeks old.

Friday, August 25, 2006



Thursday, August 24, 2006

Communication Breakdown

Yesterday, while right in the middle of actually doing something constructive on the web here, our ENTIRE county had a technological breakdown - lost the phones, 911 system, and my blessed INTERNET! At first I thought it was my router. Nope. It checked out fine. O.k., modem? Nope. That was fine too. Everything plugged in? YUP.I must have plugged, unplugged and reset everything 4 times. I even went so far as to go outside and check the line going to the ' internet hub thingy'...that was alright. Mmmmk. Now what? I picked up the phone...and dialed the '24/7 tech support' for my ISP... but all I got was a funny beeping tone. Great. Tried to call another number. Same thing. Couldn't even call out of state! Time to try the cellphone...but NO. THAT wasn't working either!
At this point, I'm getting a little frustrated.Eh?
Well, long story short, I got all of my communications back this morning. Finally.

At this point, you are probably asking yourself,
' What does this have to do with photography?'.
Well, since I had this extra time on my hands, I grabbed the camera and took a few shots of the flowers I had growing in a planter...and one weed. NO idea what they are...but they were pretty.


This entry was posted on 7/17/2006 12:31 PM

The weather is unseasonably hot and muggy- even for Florida standards. Wait. I am in northern Wisconsin. Must be the effects from the heat taking over...
Even with the heat, I can't stay idle for long. New blooms on the property are waiting to be captured. It is too hot at this point for even the usual swarms of mosquitoes to bother anyone.
I really need a book on plants and flowers. Being around 40 acres, I encounter many species, most of which I can not identify. Most are probably weeds, however. Anyway, weeds or not, if it looks good, I'm capturing it.Click.